Ancient Free and Accepted Masons

March Board



     Well, Brothers: we’re two months into 2025!  We welcomed Br Mike Egbunine into our Lodge on 3 February, then had an engaging discussion on our Masonic Presidents on 20 February.  We also ate a lot of great food on both of those nights, as well as every Tuesday at our weekly gathering at Aberdeen Diner (with at least one excursion to Screaming’ Bean, too).  We also received the draft contract from the City which is being reviewed by a committee before broader discussion in open Lodge.  Bylaws language work is starting with the aim of Lodge review in the next month (or two). 

     With hints of Spring upon us, we look into March with a list of activities on our docket.  On 3 March, we will open an EA Lodge for an interesting account of the “Roman Eagle” we hear in the EA ritual, presented by Br PM Jared Gwaltney from Harmony #53.  Then, on 17 March, we plan to hear Br Logan Radish’s EA catechism with the aim of introducing him to Aberdeen’s “two brazen pillars” afterward – likely with an Irish-themed dinner and our annual audit too! 

     We are assigned with bingo duties again this year on 15 March – as in the past two years, I plan to don my favorite St Patrick’s jacket and help call numbers and hand out prizes to our Maryland Masonic Homes (MMH) residents.  Please let me know if you’re available to partake in this fun Friday evening event.

      Just a note: I hear the Traveling (or Galloping) Gavel is at Susquehanna #130 and may make its way up to Mt Ararat #44 – let’s go get it soon!  Remember that we also meet every Tuesday morning at 7am for a fraternal breakfast at the Aberdeen Diner – it’s always a great time!  And a new whiskey and cigar group has started meeting at North Bay Cigar Lounge in downtown North East (near my house, conveniently) on Saturday nights – let me know if you’d like to share some smoky wisdom with fellow Brothers.

 I look forward to seeing you around the Lodge, Brother.

                                                                                                                          Sincerely and fraternally,

                                                        Michael J. Bowen, PM

                                                    Worshipful Master


"When you visit Please bring one can of food to help the needy in our  community"        



 According to the By-Laws dues shall be paid to the Secretary, annually in advance of the first regular communication in January.  Dues cards for 2025 are available. $76.00

  Pay Pal is also available for 2025 Dues.

If you use Pay Pal be sure to update your payment amount to $76.00 and include $2.50 for fee.

If you would like to receive the trestle board by e-mail, send your e-mail address to the secretary at the lodge e-mail address.




Special communication of Aberdeen Lodge No. 187 will be held, Mon March 3, at 7:30 p.m.

Dinner 6:30 p.m.

Regular Order of Business

Presentation "Roman Eagle"

Stated communication of Aberdeen Lodge No. 187will be held, Mon March 17, 2025 at 7:30 p.m.

Regular Order of Business

EA Proficiency

Fellow Craft Degree




4th Timothy J. Cantler
9th Russell C. Lindsay
16th Ralph L. Perry
19th Thomas R. Phillips
20th Gerald R. Phillips
22nd Pedro L. Green
25th James C. Kilby









Regional Meetings (9:00 a.m. - Noon


Feb. 1, Feb. 8, Mar. 1, Mar. 8, 2025




Semi-Annual Communication Grand Lodge


May 17, 025


9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.




Family Day Picnic


June 7, 2025


11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.




Grand Master's Ball


July 26, 2025


6:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m.





Harvest Home Day


October 4, 2025


6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.





Annual CommunicationGrand Lodge


November 15, 2025


9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.







    For information about any of the Grand Lodge activities contact the Grand Secretary’s Office  (410) 527-0600.


 Grand Lodge of Maryland e-mail:

 Grand Lodge of Maryland Website:


"Check Events Page For Changes & Updates"