Ancient Free and Accepted Masons

December Trestle Board


     This year has certainly flown by!  As the weather cools off and our winter holidays quickly approach, we are facing a rather busy schedule to close out the year.

     Before I get to that, I want to recognize PMs Greg Gelder and Dustin Casteel for stepping up to the East to run our 21 October and 4 November meetings while I was away on travel.  It was great to return to the East on 18 November to enjoy a lively meeting when we heard Bro Marcus Webster’s FC catechism and voted for Mr. Michael Egbunine’s petition.  We also settled the following items:

    1)    We will proceed in finding a buyer for our building (any resulting sales contract will be presented to the Lodge for a separate vote).

2)    We will shift our formal meetings to once per month on third Mondays (pending a Bylaws change).

3)    We will shift our annual Dues structure to be adjusted following our annual audit cycle (also pending a Bylaws change to describe the process).

      I want to commend our members for the past several months of discussions related to these Lodge operations items.  Our current location has been our home for several decades, where we have raised countless Master Masons, celebrated long-serving Brothers, and hosted OES, York Rite, and Scottish Rite gatherings.  Next door, the City of Aberdeen and Watchtower Brewing have made impressive progress, and they are definitely interested in our space to bolster their plans.  We will start homing in on our next space in the coming months, and reviewing the same with our MWGM.

      Now: December – it’s going to be busy!  On 2 December, we invite the Boumi Shrine’s Knights of Mecca to confer the MM degree upon Bro Marcus Webster (plus our Lodge elections).  Two weeks later, Aberdeen’s Officers will initiate Mr. Michael Egbunine on 16 December.  In between, we will: march in the Aberdeen Christmas Parade on Saturday 7 December at 3pm (show at 2:30pm), host a Maryland Masonic Homes church service on Sunday 8 December at 3pm (show at 2:30pm).

      Look for more details regarding the parade and holiday party via email and Facebook, as we are finalizing those details.  As a note, our Installation is scheduled for 6 January 2025 as usual.

      I wish you each a relaxing Thanksgiving holiday – see you in December!

                                                                                                                       Sincerely and fraternally,

                                                        Michael J. Bowen, PM

                                                    Worshipful Master


"When you visit Please bring one can of food to help the needy in our  community"        



 According to the By-Laws dues shall be paid to the Secretary, annually in advance of the first regular communication in January.  Dues cards for 2025 are available. $76.00

  Pay Pal is also available for 2025 Dues.

If you use Pay Pal be sure to update your payment amount to $76.00 and include $2.50 for fee.

If you would like to receive the trestle board by e-mail, send your e-mail address to the secretary at the lodge e-mail address.




Stated communication of Aberdeen Lodge No. 187 will be held, Mon December  2, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.

Regular Order of Business

Election of Officers for 2025

Conferral Master Mason Degree by

Knights of Mecca Team


Saturday 7 December 2024, 3:00 pm

Aberdeen Lodge to March in Aberdeen Christmas Parade


Sunday 8 Decembert 2024, 3:00 pm

Church Service Maryland Masonic Homes Chapel

Stated communication of Aberdeen Lodge No. 187will be held, Mon December16, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.

Regular Order of Business

Conferral Entered Apprentice Degree




10th Robert A. Powell
15th MarcusD. Webster
19th Charles H. Lockerman
21st Kevin N. Lenz
30th Norwood S. Flanders
30th Christopher M. Holzer











Regional Meetings (9:00 a.m. - Noon


Feb. 1, Feb. 8, Mar. 1, Mar. 8, 2025




Semi-Annual Communication Grand Lodge


May 17, 025


9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.




Family Day Picnic


June 7, 2025


11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.




Grand Master's Ball


July 26, 2025


6:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m.





Harvest Home Day


October 4, 2025


6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.





Annual CommunicationGrand Lodge


November 15, 2025


9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.







    For information about any of the Grand Lodge activities contact the Grand Secretary’s Office  (410) 527-0600.


 Grand Lodge of Maryland e-mail:

 Grand Lodge of Maryland Website:


"Check Events Page For Changes & Updates"